INN CHAMBA I.A.P. was founded as a non-profit organization in 2017 under the motto "Where ideas have consequences" . This initiative arose from the need for a change in the way common problems within society are addressed, problems that have a global impact and that no government today can solve on its own.

R ecognize that things are not going well when there are approximately 42.6 million Mexicans submerged in poverty , where the most affected are children, women, the elderly, people from rural areas, and people with disabilities.
R ecognize that things are not going well in a country where there are landless farmers, where the land is poorly distributed, some are exploited for U.S. consumption, and some of these lands are underutilized, among other problems, resulting in the migration of farmers to other places to work in other professions.

R ecognize that things are not going well when the soil, water, air, and all living beings are under constant threat that endangers not only ecosystems but also humans. Understanding environmental problems is the first step to raising awareness of their importance and to demanding and participating in actions for the protection and recovery of nature. Among the most pressing environmental problems are: climate change, pollution, deforestation, soil degradation, energy, water scarcity, species extinction, biodiversity loss, and illegal species trafficking.
R ecognize that things are not going well when the soil, water, air, and all living beings are under constant threat that endanger not only ecosystems but also humans. Understanding environmental problems is the first step to raising awareness of their importance and advocating for and participating in actions to protect and restore nature. Among the most prominent environmental issues we find: climate change, pollution, deforestation, soil degradation, energy, water scarcity, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, species invasion and illegal trafficking, waste, and overfishing.

INN CHAMBA I.A.P. focuses its efforts and resources on the population that most needs training in the different subjects we teach. Donations, contributions, and support allow us to continue strengthening our services, expanding our coverage, improving our existing social activities, and implementing new ones that until now we have not been able to. As a certified donor organization recognized by the SAT, we are authorized to issue tax-deductible receipts.
We are an organization that promotes education through training, facilitating comprehensive social processes with the most vulnerable population; with the support of allies, partners, and our own projects, which allows us to impact more and more beneficiaries. We invite you to join us.